

299Ko requires few prerequisites to function properly:

  • A server running Apache
  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • Mod_rewrite enabled
  • The GD library of PHP enabled.

The Server

You can deploy 299Ko on a hosted server (such as shared hosting), or test it locally on your computer.

Local Server

Depending on your operating system, there are more or less straightforward software solutions, based on an AMP stack (Apache, MySQL, PHP). Note that the MySQL part (database) is not necessary, as 299Ko does not use it.

These programs will allow you to test and modify 299Ko on your computer, with the files at your fingertips.

Software for Windows

With all these software, simply download the archive of the latest version of 299Ko, and extract it into the www folder of the software.

Depending on the chosen software, the web folder may be named www, htdocs, public, or html.

Then visit http://localhost (usually) to view your site.

MAMP for Mac

Similar to Windows, there is free software available for Mac to create a local server: MAMP.

Once installed, simply download the archive of the latest version of 299Ko, and extract it into the "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs" folder. Then visit http://localhost:8888 in your browser.


For Linux users, there is the LAMP stack, to be installed via the command line. Alternatively, you can use Xampp, which is also available for Linux.


  • Download the latest version of 299ko
  • Unzip the archive
  • Transfer its contents to your server using an FTP client, such as FileZilla, for example.
  • Visit your site with your browser
  • The installer then asks you for an email address and an administrator password

After installation, it is recommended for security reasons to delete the install.php file from your server.

For a more detailed article, you can read the article Installer299Ko sur Debian, which provides an overall explanation of installing a server on Linux.

This page was last edited on 2024-03-02 15:18

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This page was last edited on 2024-03-02 15:18

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